1 Litre Milk, approx $2.14
Ah, milk: that glorious product of the eternal toil of legions of listless bovines, loved by all men, that nurturer of marrow and smoother of java, liquid among liquids.
And yet, I am confounded whenever I enter my local grocery larder by the knavery on display in the milk refrigerator – ‘low fat’ this and ‘skinny’ that, not to mention the scores of home brand offerings of such dubious provenance. It is an offense to one’s tastebuds, one should lap up this heavenly libation and it taste as if suckled from the teat of the great animal itself: rich, full and creamy. Such watery, translucent aberrations as Physical, Skinny Milk, Rev and all such other fitness alluding products are insults to Aditi. Give me full cream or give me death!
Indeed, if it is full cream you crave, then the holiest cow is indeed Farm House. Like gold unto a bronze world, this milk is the crème de la crème, quite literally! Take it in, you can nigh feel the butterfat layer rising to the top and becoming cream in your mouth, so thick and luscious is this milk. Indeed, the purveyors had such compassion as to only produce single litre pails, knowing that any more might lead to a euphoric emesis. Every gulp bursts with that full creamy dollop, with sweet vanilla top notes balanced harmoniously by a ever so faint salt and sourness at the edge of the palate. Feel it coat your mouth in a glistening, sticky aftertaste, allowing you to savour such rare experience.
For rare it is, indeed – not all supermarkets stock such fine produce, and if they do, it’s often relegated to the upper recesses of the refrigerator. Do not dismay, however, and lift your skinny fists like antennas to the dairy heavens! Reach, I tell you! Bring down this hallowed liquid, bathed in a golden halo, and sup from its teat – or carton. For then you will have tasted nirvana.

4.5 gulls
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